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There's a new connector available for download!

I'm slowly phasing out the old connector and focussing all development on the Rust-based connector. The Rust connector hasn't implemented all its features yet, but the functionality that is implemented is already more stable and faster than the old connector. The new connector is also open source. You can contribute on GitHub.


You can always download the latest version of the connector from the latest Github release.The app uses a built-in updater, so you don't have to worry about manually updating it. The app will notify you when a new version is available.

Rust logo

Flightconnector documentation

The new connector's documentation is created in a new framework. Luckily, the same principles apply to the old version. The docs are open-source. If you want to contribute, head on over to the connector repository.

The file you are looking for is bits-and-droids-connector_x.x.x_x64-setup.exe.

Older files

FileVersionRelease DateDownload
Bits and Droids Installer1.0.02023-22-10Download
Bits and Droids library1.0.02021-10-10Download